Apr 2014: [Our PR Study] We carried out Survey on Japan in Myanmar.
The following is the survey overview.
・Target: People who live in Myanmar.
・Surveying Method: Onilne,recruited the participants through "Smaphone",SurveyMY community on Facebook, and collected the responses.
・Sample size: N=256
・Study Period: from 27th Mar to 1st Apr 2014
Summary of Result
■Image of Japan is overwhelmingly cars, followed by technology-related images, such as consumer electronics, machinery, and IT.
Entertainment-related images, anime and movies, account over 10% each.
Q. What industry would you think of by Japan-Made or Japanese brand ?(MA)
■Consumer electronics and cars account for the main products.
Q. What made-in-Japan product / merchandise is owned by your household?(MA)
For further information about the study, please see the following PDF report.
Survey on Japan - Myanmar -
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